Consortium Meeting and Review of Repara 2.0 Project at Campus Repsol Madrid, 3rd September 2018

A consortium meeting of REPARA 2.0 project took place on Monday 3rd. September at Campus Repsol in Madrid. On this ocasion, the meeting was particularly addressed to prepare the technical reviw of the project. Silvia Uribe and Francisco Moreno attended to the meeting representing GATV.

REPARA 2.0 partners during the meeting held at Campus Repsol in Madrid

REPARA 2.0 partners during the meeting held at Campus Repsol in Madrid

The aim of REPARA 2.0 project is the development of new technologies and metodologies that support infrastructure management and allow quick repair and preservation of roads with minor economical and environmental costs, improving their adaptation to climatic change.

Willing for further information about REPARA 2.0 project? Click on this link: